Suzie’s Story

It all started with a rescue beagle named Suzie and her mom Jennifer. Suzie was my Love Bug! I rescued her from a high kill shelter when she was only 8 weeks old. When Suzie was 10 years old I found myself praying on the way to the emergency vet that she would survive. Suzie’s grandma wanted to give her something special and purchased a very popular commercially produced dog treat.

Immediately after finishing the treat Suzie fell to the ground and was barely moving. The vet said that something in the treat poisoned her.

That experience led me to research eveything my dogs ate. As I was researching I found that healthy and allergy friendly treats were no where to be found. Since I had several dogs with health issues and allergies at that time I decided to start Wookee Cookees.

It’s worked out great because I love to make dogs happy and my friends and family dogs, and customers dogs are just that, happy and healthy!

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